Advisor: Chenhao Tan

I am currectly a first-year PhD student in CS at University of Chicago , advised by Prof. Chenhao Tan . Before that, I earned B.E in Computer Science in the department of Computer Science and Engineering at Univeristy of Michigan, Ann Arbor. I also earned B.S.E in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Shanghai Jiao Tong Univeristy During my undergrad study, I was honored to be a member of Language and Information Technologies (LIT) lab group to work with Prof. Rada Mihalcea . I also worked on NLP inference time efficiency in Prof. Atul Prakash’s group.

As machine learning continues to advance, so does the potential for the digital divide and inequality to widen. These issues motivate my research in building responsible, efficient, and more accessible tools for social good. I believe this can be done by building interpretable models or building more cost-efficient methods


AI & Machine Learning

Foundations and applications of computer algorithms making data-centric models, predictions, and decisions
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