Contact Info
Crerar 381

Advisor: Nick Feamster

My name is Muhammad Iqbal Rochman and I am a PhD student in Computer Science at the University of Chicago. I received my BE in Informatics Engineering from Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology in Indonesia in 2012, and my MS degree in Computer Science from National Taiwan University of Science and Technology in Taiwan in 2016. I have been interested in the field of systems and wireless networks since my Bachelor and Master studies. I have since been publishing works under my advisor, Monisha Ghosh, most notably “A Comparative Measurement Study of Commercial 5G mmWave Deployments,” published in INFOCOM’22.

I am interested in the design and performance of wireless networks, particularly identifying interference two networks using adjacent or overlapping channel deployments and quantifying performance of new wireless technologies. For my PhD thesis, I am studying the performance of real deployments of next generation Wi-Fi and cellular 5G networks using end-user devices (i.e., smartphones). This device-based measurement methodology can also be used to answer questions and confirm analytical and lab-controlled measurements, such as identifying coexistence fairness between LTE and Wi-Fi in the unlicensed network, and identifying possible interference between overlapping CBRS deployments.


Systems, Architecture & Networking

Design and analysis of computing systems: cloud, edge, Internet, quantum, and beyond
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