CMSC 27200: Theory of Algorithms (Winter 2022)

Section 3
MWF 1:30–2:20 pm, RO 015
Timothy Ng (
Course website

This is where I'll put my lecture notes and other materials for my section. For information about the course, please visit the course website on Canvas.


KT is short for Jon Kleinberg and Éva Tardos. Algorithm Design (2005). CLRS is short for Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, and Stein. Introduction to Algorithms, 3e (2009).

January 10
Introduction (KT 2.1)
January 12
Asymptotics, stable matchings (KT 2.2, 1.1)
January 14
The Gale–Shapley algorithm (KT 1.1)
January 19
Analyzing Gale–Shapley (KT 1.1, 2.3)
January 21
Greedy algorithms and interval scheduling (KT 4.1)
January 24
Scheduling to minimize lateness (KT 4.2)
January 26
Single-source shortest paths and Dijkstra's algorithm (KT 4.4, 3.1)
January 28
Implementing Dijkstra's algorithm (KT 4.4, 2.5, 3.3)
January 30
Minimum spanning trees and Prim's algorithm (KT 4.5)
February 2
Kruskal's algorithm (KT 4.5-4.6)
February 4
Divide and conquer algorithms, Mergesort, Recurrences (KT 5.1-5.2)
February 7
Maximum subarray sum (CLRS 4.1, KT Ch. 5 Solved Ex. 2)
February 9
Multiplication (KT 5.5, CLRS 4.2)
February 11
Closest pair of points on a plane (KT 5.4)
February 14
Midterm Q&A
February 16
Dynamic programming (KT 6.1–6.2)
February 18
Knapsack (KT 6.4)
February 21
Shortest paths revisited (KT 6.8)
February 23
Bellman–Ford (KT 6.8), Network flow (KT 7.1)
February 25
Ford–Fulkerson (KT 7.1)
February 28
Max flow, min cut (KT 7.2)
March 2
Bipartite matching (KT 7.5)
March 4
Polynomial-time reduction, independent set, and vertex cover (KT 8.1)
March 7
Satisfiability, $\mathbf{P}$ and $\mathbf{NP}$ (KT 8.2–8.3)
March 9
$\mathbf{NP}$-completeness (KT 8.4)
March 11
Hamiltonian cycle, Subset sum (KT 8.5, 8.8)