Advisor: Shan Lu

I’m a Systems PhD student working on all-things fault analysis, advised by Prof. Shan Lu (UChicago), and mentored by Dr. Suman Nath and Dr. Madan Musuvathi (Microsoft Research). I earned a MSc degree in CS from UChicago, a MSc in CommSys from EPFL, and a BSc in CS from the University of Bucharest.

My research focuses on improving the correctness and performance of large-scale distributed systems. I build tools to help developers better reason about their code and fix bugs more efficiently. In my research, I draw inspiration from my time in industry, where my daily grind was to troubleshoot incidents as fast as possible with limited user input.


Programming Languages

Devising new and better ways of programming the computers of today and tomorrow

Systems, Architecture & Networking

Design and analysis of computing systems: cloud, edge, Internet, quantum, and beyond
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