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Ishan Agarwal

Ishan Agarwal

Assistant Clinical Professor, Masters Program in Computer Science

Rafi Almhana

Assistant Clinical Professor, Masters Program in Computer Science

László Babai

Bruce V. and Diana M. Rauner Distinguished Service Professor of Computer Science, Mathematics

T. Andrew Binkowski

Associate Clinical Professor, Masters Program in Computer Science

Gerry Brady

Clinical Professor, Masters Program in Computer Science

David Cash

Professor of Computer Science

Raul Castro Fernandez

Assistant Professor of Computer Science

Kyle Chard

Research Associate Professor of Computer Science

Amitabh Chaudhary

Clinical Professor, Masters Program in Computer Science

Yuxin Chen

Assistant Professor of Computer Science

Marshini Chetty

Associate Professor of Computer Science

Andrew A. Chien

William Eckhardt Distinguished Service Professor of Computer Science

Fred Chong

Seymour Goodman Professor of Computer Science

Ravi Chugh

Associate Professor of Computer Science

Aloni Cohen

Assistant Professor of Computer Science, Data Science

Todd Dupont

Professor Emeritus of Computer Science, Mathematics, and the James Franck Institute

Aaron Elmore

Associate Professor of Computer Science

Nick Feamster

Neubauer Professor of Computer Science

William Fefferman

Assistant Professor of Computer Science

Ian Foster

Arthur Holly Compton Distinguished Service Professor of Computer Science

Diana Franklin

Associate Professor of Computer Science

Michael Franklin

Morton D. Hull Distinguished Service Professor

Greg Green

Associate Senior Instructional Professor of Computer Science

Robert Grossman

Frederick H. Rawson Distinguished Service Professor in Medicine, Computer Science

Haryadi Gunawi

Associate Professor of Computer Science

Rana Hanocka

Assistant Professor of Computer Science

Grant Ho

Assistant Professor of Computer Science

Henry Hoffmann

Liew Family Chair of Computer Science

Ari Holtzman

Assistant Professor of Computer Science, Data Science

William Hoza

Assistant Professor of Computer Science

Junchen Jiang

Assistant Professor of Computer Science

Haotian Jiang

Assistant Professor of Computer Science
Alex Kale

Alex Kale

Assistant Professor of Computer Science, Data Science

Gordon Kindlmann

Associate Professor of Computer Science

Risi Kondor

Associate Professor of Computer Science, Statistics

Sanjay Krishnan

Assistant Professor of Computer Science

Stuart Kurtz

George and Elizabeth Yovovich Professor of Computer Science and the College

Mina Lee

Assistant Professor of Computer Science, Data Science

Bo Li

Neubauer Associate Professor of Computer Science, Data Science

Tian Li

Assistant Professor of Computer Science, Data Science

Yanjing Li

Assistant Professor of Computer Science

Pedro Lopes

Associate Professor of Computer Science

Shan Lu

Professor of Computer Science

Michael Maire

Associate Professor of Computer Science

Hannah Morgan

Assistant Instructional Professor of Computer Science

Ketan Mulmuley

Professor of Computer Science

Ken Nakagaki

Assistant Professor of Computer Science

Timothy Ng

Assistant Instructional Professor of Computer Science

Lorenzo Orecchia

Assistant Professor of Computer Science

Kexin Pei

Neubauer Family Assistant Professor of Computer Science

Aaron Potechin

Assistant Professor of Computer Science

Robert Rand

Assistant Professor of Computer Science

Alexander A. Razborov

Andrew MacLeish Distinguished Service Professor of Computer Science, Mathematics

Mohammed Suhail Rehman

Assistant Instructional Professor of Computer Science

John H. Reppy

Professor of Computer Science

Anne Rogers

Associate Professor of Computer Science

Lamont Kenneth Samuels

Associate Clinical Professor, Masters Program in Computer Science

Sarah Sebo

Assistant Professor of Computer Science

Adam Shaw

Associate Senior Instructional Professor of Computer Science

Janos Simon

Professor of Computer Science

Borja Sotomayor

Senior Instructional Professor of Computer Science

Rick Stevens

Professor of Computer Science

Chenhao Tan

Assistant Professor of Computer Science, Data Science

James Turk

Assistant Clinical Professor, Masters Program in Computer Science

David Uminsky

Senior Research Associate of Computer Science

Blase Ur

Associate Professor of Computer Science

Matthew Wachs

Associate Instructional Professor of Computer Science

Rebecca Willett

Professor of Computer Science, Statistics
Haifeng Xu

Haifeng Xu

Assistant Professor of Computer Science, Data Science

Ce Zhang

Neubauer Associate Professor of Computer Science, Data Science

Ben Y. Zhao

Neubauer Professor of Computer Science

Heather Zheng

Neubauer Professor of Computer Science