Contact Info
JCL 385

Advisor: Aloni Cohen

After growing up in Sonoma Valley, California, I graduated from UChicago in 2020 with a B.A. in Mathematics. I then spent two years as an associate at the MGGG Redistricting Lab, a research group led by Dr. Moon Duchin at Tufts University. While there, I helped to develop a PyEI, Python package for ecological inference, which is a family of Bayesian hierarchical models often used to determine racial polarization in elections. I also co-authored papers investigating families of metrics used to analyze gerrymandering and provided data support for redistricting litigation after the 2020 Census.

Broadly, I’m interested in using theoretical computer science to tackle problems in civic life. I’ve been learning to think like a cryptographer, and have been getting interested in steganography and watermarking large language models. I also like thinking about combinatorial questions about graphs, in particular those about trees and partitions, all of which stem from my work in computational redistricting.



The mathematical foundations of computation, including algorithm design, complexity and logic
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