Contact Info
Crerar 398-D

Before joining the MPCS in 2016, Lamont Samuels worked in the fast-paced startup world. In particular, he worked on developing core software systems for upcoming and innovative technologies such as digital wallets for cryptocurrencies and a surface-haptics display thats allows you to feel objects on a display. His most recent research interests is directed towards developing high-level  programming languages for parallel computing. He is also interested in implementing real-time systems in the domains of computer graphics, functional reactive programming, and embedded systems.

Dr. Samuels is a fellow alum of the University of Chicago. He received both is Masters of Science and PhD in Computer Science at the University of Chicago. He is also a member of the Programming languages group in the Computer Science Department.


Focus Areas: Programming Languages, Concurrency/Parallelism, Computer Graphics, Functional Reactive Programming, Embedded Systems

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