Contact Info
JCL 395

I am a PhD student in the LSSG group led by Prof. Andrew A. Chien. I received my bachelors in Computer Science from Peking University in 2019, with a double major in Economics. I worked as a research intern at Microsoft Research in 2022. Regarding research community, I’m active in ACM e-Energy conference, USENIX/ACM HotCarbon workshop and other computer systems conferences. Our paper “Adapting Datacenter Capacity for Greener Datacenters and Grid” won the best paper runner-up award in ACM e-Energy 2023.

My research is around improving the sustainability of cloud computing/data centers. Specifically, I’m working on reducing the carbon footprint of data centers with better coordination between the data centers and power grid.


Data & Databases

Systems and algorithms for managing and analyzing data at scale

Systems, Architecture & Networking

Design and analysis of computing systems: cloud, edge, Internet, quantum, and beyond
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