Contact Info
Crerar 360A

Sneha Alagappan is the Assistant Director for CS and MPCS Career Services. In this role, she will be supporting students in navigating the professional world, connecting with employers for student networking opportunities, and developing programs geared towards career preparation.

For the past 7 years, Sneha has been a Technical Recruiter working at some of the world’s largest tech companies hiring software engineers (Meta, Wayfair). She has supported prospective candidates throughout the interview life cycle and worked with leaders closely to better understand how new talent will shape a growing business.

Sneha majored in Psychology at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and has a deep interest in understanding how people and business build better together.

If you are a CS/MPCS student or alum looking to schedule time with Sneha, please log into the GRAD Gargoyle portal with your CNet ID. On the left side menu, scroll down to “Students and Postdocs” and click to see the drop down menu. Select “Advising”, click on the “Advising Availability” tab, and type Sneha’s name in the “Staff Search Bar” to review all open times to book an appointment.

Sneha can also be reached directly at:

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