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Andrew is a Fellow at the Computation Institute of Chicago and a scientist at Argonne National Laboratory. His research is focused on developing new techniques for computer-aided drug discovery and applying them to study targeted proteins from human pathogens causing emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases.  He conducts large-scale computing simulation experiments on one of the world’s largest supercomputers at Argonne and, ironically, teaches on the world’s most powerful computer you can fit in your pocket, the iPhone.

Andrew teaches Mobile Application Development, focusing on iOS technologies.

Andrew is proud to be part of the Masters Program in Computer Science faculty as he believes UChicago constantly examines the curriculum to provide courses that meet the needs of employers to adequately prepare students for the workplace, in addition to educating on cutting-edge technologies and topic areas as fast as they come to market.

Andrew’s teaching philosophy is to provide the tools to enable students to be independent learners. Knowing that computer science is a rapidly evolving field, he believes that to keep pace, students will have to be able to continue learning well after they have left the classroom.  They will not be able to rely strictly on what they were taught in class to have successful and productive careers.

His goal is to teach a strong foundation of understanding for programming concepts that will be applicable to a broad range of problems, and then to provide practical instruction to solving them.

“I focus on practical approaches to solving problems that can be accomplished using a variety of approaches.  While I currently teach one specific programming language, I aim to have the concepts be applicable to any platform or language.

The academic standard and rigors that are associated with University of Chicago graduate degree are immediately recognized and respected by employers and colleagues.  However, the strength of the Masters Program in Computer Science lies with the instructors, who come from a combination of academia, government and commercial backgrounds.  The collective expertise of the faculty is tremendous and provides a breadth of course variety that is unparalleled.”

Andrew has been developing applications for the Macintosh platform for over 15 years and for iOS since its inception.  He has developed and consulted on over 20 applications currently available in the App Store, several of which have been featured by Apple, including selections on the front page of the App Store.  He is active in the development of standards and safeguards in educational software and has represented the interests on independent educational software developers in Washington D.C.


  • Ph.D., University of Illinois (Chicago) Department of Bioengineering, 2002
  • MBA, University of Illinois (Chicago) Department of Business Administration, 2001
  • B.S Mechanical Engineering, University of Illinois (Champaign-Urbana), Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering, 1998.


  • American Crystallographic Association
  • Biophysical Society
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