Date & Time:
November 5, 2020 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Live Stream
11/05/2020 02:00 PM 11/05/2020 03:00 PM America/Chicago HCI Series: Tanzeem Choudhury (Cornell) – Closing the Sensing-to-Intervention Loop for Behavioral Health Live Stream

Closing the Sensing-to-Intervention Loop for Behavioral Health

Mobile and ubiquitous computing research has led to new techniques for cheaply, accurately, and continuously collecting data on human behavior that include detailed measurements of physical activities, mobility, social interactions, mood, sleep quality and more. Continuous and unobtrusive sensing of behaviors has tremendous potential to support the lifelong management of mental health by: (1) acting as an early warning system to detect changes in mental well-being, (2) delivering personalized interventions to patients when and where they need them, and (3) significantly accelerating patient and physician understanding of changes in mental health in real-time. In this talk, I will give an overview of our work on turning sensor-enabled mobile devices into well-being monitors and instruments for administering real-time/real-place interventions.

RSVP for Zoom details here. The talk will also be live-streamed (no registration required) here.


This talk is part of the Department of Computer Science Fall seminar series on human-computer interaction. Future talks:

11/9: Amy Ogan, Carnegie Mellon University

11/30: Hiroshi Ishii, MIT Media Lab

More information on these speakers and their talks will be posted soon.

Host: Sarah Sebo

Tanzeem Choudhury

Professor of Computing and Information Sciences, Cornell Tech

Tanzeem Choudhury is a Professor of Computing and Information Sciences at Cornell Tech where she holds the Roger and Joelle Burnell Chair in Integrated Health and Technology and a co-founder of HealthRhythms Inc, a company whose mission is to add the layer of behavioral health into all of healthcare. At Cornell, she directs the People-Aware Computing group, which is inventing the future of technology-assisted well-being. The group's innovations in sensing to intervention is helping transform healthcare from a reactive to proactive system. Tanzeem received her PhD from the Media Laboratory at MIT. She has been awarded the MIT Technology Review TR35 award, NSF CAREER award, TED Fellowship, Kavli Fellowship, ACM Distinguished Membership, and Ubiquitous Computing 10-year Impact Award. For more information, please visit:


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