Date & Time:
August 1, 2022 9:00 am – 3, 2022 5:00 pm
Rubinstein Forum, 1201 E 60th Street, Chicago, IL, 60637
08/01/2022 09:00 AM 08/03/2022 05:00 PM America/Chicago NSF Workshop on Quantum Advantage and Next Steps Rubinstein Forum, 1201 E 60th Street, Chicago, IL, 60637

We have now arrived at a critical moment on the path towards developing large-scale quantum computers. For the first time, existing quantum experiments are pushing the boundaries of what is possible with a classical computer, and we have recently seen the first claimed experimental demonstrations of quantum advantage.

Besides dispelling any skepticism about the experimental viability of quantum computers, quantum advantage also provides a test of quantum theory in the realm of high complexity. This workshop will bring together quantum computing theorists and experimentalists to discuss the state-of-the-art research on quantum advantage. The focus will be both on understanding these experiments, as well as analyzing the extent to which these initial “proof of principle” demonstrations can provide a foundation for the next generation of quantum experiments that will obtain speedups for practically useful computational problems.

For full agenda and viewing information, visit the workshop website.

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