Contact Info
Crerar 373

Sarah Sebo is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at the University of Chicago where she directs the UChicago Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) Lab.

Sebo received her PhD in Computer Science from Yale University in 2020 and her Bachelors in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering in 2014.


Focus Areas: Human-Computer Interaction, Human-Robot Interaction, Robotics

Sebo’s current research explores social dynamics in human-robot interactions. She seeks to transform interactions with robots that are stale, scripted, and transactional to interactions that feel more like talking to a friend – socially engaging, intuitive, and meaningful. She focuses on applications that directly result in positive outcomes for people (e.g., improved performance in human-robot teams, enhanced educational learning outcomes for children, seamless interactions with in-home assistant robots).


Human Computer Interaction

Exploring the interfaces between people and technologies

Labs & Groups

Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) Lab

Sarah Sebo
Developing robots that help people by engaging them in intelligent, intuitive, and purposeful social interactions.

Awards & Honors

Best paper, honorable mention, HRI
University of Chicago-Chapin Hall Joint Research Fund Award
NSF CISE HCC Medium Award
Dagstuhl seminar participant
Rising stars in EECS program
National science foundation graduate research fellowship, honorable mention

News & Events

UChicago CS News

Sarah Sebo Awarded Prestigious CAREER Grant for Research on Robot Social Skills in Collaborative Learning

Jul 29, 2024
UChicago CS News

UChicago CS Researchers Shine at CHI 2023 with 12 Papers and Multiple Awards

Apr 19, 2023
UChicago CS News

Computer Science Displays Catch Attention at MSI’s Annual Robot Block Party

Apr 07, 2023
UChicago CS News

UChicago, Stanford Researchers Explore How Robots and Computers Can Help Strangers Have Meaningful In-Person Conversations

Mar 29, 2023
UChicago CS News

The Computing Pipeline: A Foundation for Diversifying Computer Science

Nov 28, 2022
UChicago CS News

UChicago Research Tests Whether Robots or Humans Are Better Game Partners

Oct 18, 2022
UChicago CS News

First In-Person Robotics Class Lets Students See Code Come To (Artificial) Life

Sep 06, 2022
UChicago CS News

UChicago CS Labs Join Museum of Science & Industry For Robot Block Party

Apr 20, 2022
Past Event

HCI Series: Tanzeem Choudhury (Cornell) – Closing the Sensing-to-Intervention Loop for Behavioral Health

Nov 05, 2020
UChicago CS News

New Assistant Professor Sarah Sebo Wants to Build Better Robot Teammates

Oct 26, 2020
UChicago CS News

Four New Faculty Join UChicago Computer Science for 2020-21

Jul 27, 2020
Past Event

Sarah Sebo (Yale) – Improving Team Performance and Dynamics within Human-Robot Teams

Mar 16, 2020
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