Brian Wheatman (John Hopkins) - Ordered Sets: An Evolution of Memory Optimized Data Structures
Abstract: Ordered sets are a fundamental building block used all over computer science. We will review the different approaches used to implement ordered sets over the years with a focus on practical performance. Then we will turn to Packed Memory Arrays, evaluate their strengths and weaknesses. My research overcomes these limitations in search and insert performance and allows the packed memory array to outperform other approaches on modern highly parallel architectures.

Brian Wheatman
Brian Wheatman is a PhD student at Johns Hopkins University working with Professor Randal Burns. His work is on designing high performance memory efficient data structures and algorithms with a focus on creating systems that have both good theoretical and practical behavior on modern parallel architectures. He has worked on a number of fundamental data structures including sets, graphs, key value stores with a particular emphasis on designing systems that are efficient to both query and update.
Brian received the Gordon Croft Fellowship award. He did his undergraduate, as well as his Masters of Engineering, from MIT under Professor Charles E. Leiserson