UChicago CS News

New 2022-23 Faculty Add Expertise in Linguistics, Visualization, Economics, and Data Science Education

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UChicago CS News

UChicago London Colloquium Features Data Science, Quantum Research

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UChicago CS News

University of Chicago, City Colleges of Chicago Join Forces to Increase Diversity in Science Careers

The Data Science Institute is part of a new institutional partnership between UChicago and CCC to strengthen STEM education and...
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UChicago CS News

Wearable Device That Changes Perception of Softness Wins Best Paper at UIST 2021

A new wearable technology designed by Yujie Tao and researchers in the Human Computer Integration laboratory to affect people's perception...
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UChicago CS News

ScaleStuds Project Receives $5 Million to Build Foundations for Massive Computation

In a new project funded with a $5 million LARGE grant from the National Science Foundation PPoSS program, a group...
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UChicago CS News

Enhancing Multitasking Efficiency: The Role of Muscle Stimulation in Reducing Mental Workload

Jul 10, 2024
In the News

From wildfires to bird calls: Sage redefines environmental monitoring

Jun 28, 2024


Upcoming Event

Yan Liu (U of Southern California) – Frontiers of Foundation Models for Time Series in Science Applications

May 23, 2024
Live Event

Brian Wheatman (John Hopkins) – Ordered Sets: An Evolution of Memory Optimized Data Structures

May 17, 2024



Nightshade: Data Poisoning to Fight Generative AI with Ben Zhao

Jan 23, 2024

Ian Foster – Better Information Faster: Programming the Continuum

Jan 06, 2023