Contact Info

Hannah Morgan is an Assistant Instructional Professor in the Department of Computer Science and a Lecturer in the Masters Program in Computer Science. Previously, she was a postdoctoral appointee in numerical methods at Argonne National Laboratory.


Focus Areas: High Performance Computing, Numerical Models, Algorithms

Her research includes developing performance models for high performance computing algorithms, such as those used to solve large, sparse systems of equations. At Argonne, she studies the execution of computational kernels on heterogeneous CPU-GPU architectures as part of the Exascale Computing Project. She is also interested in finite element algorithms for certain fluid models, focusing on parallel and efficient implementations.


Scientific & High Performance Computing

Scientific discovery at the frontiers of computational performance, intelligence, and scale

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UChicago CS News

Four New Faculty Join UChicago Computer Science for 2020-21

Jul 27, 2020
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