Contact Info

Jan Hückelheim is an Assistant Computer Scientist in Argonne National Laboratory’s Maths and Computer Science Division. Before joining Argonne in 2019, he worked as a postdoc at Imperial College London. He received his PhD degree from Queen Mary University of London in 2017.

His research spans the fields of automatic differentiation, formal software verification, scientific computing, and compilers. He contributed as a co-PI or senior personnel to successful proposals that won over $15M in total funding, and has led two projects on efficiently computing gradients on novel AI accelerators. He has published in a variety of journals and conferences including ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, SC, PPoPP, and IPDPS, and contributed to the automatic differentiation tools Tapenade and Enzyme. He was the lead organizer for the 22nd European Workshop on Automatic Differentiation, and co-organized other workshops, symposia, and tutorials including a differentiable programming workshop at NeurIPS.

Research Interests:

  • Algorithmic differentiation
  • Formal verification
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