Advisors: Ian Foster, Kyle Chard

Before joining the University of Chicago, I spent my entire life in Kentucky. In 2017, I completed the B.S. in computer science from Northern Kentucky University, with a minor in mathematics and an honors distinction. I then went on to pursue a Ph.D. in computer science at the University of Kentucky. I completed the Ph.D. in 2022, along with receiving the M.S. in 2021. My Ph.D. dissertation, “Smart Decision-Making via Edge Intelligence for Smart Cities,” studied performance-cost trade-offs associated with AI-based solutions for smart applications (e.g., smart energy, smart transportation) on resource-constrained edge computing infrastructure. Works from this dissertation were published in several IEEE and ACM venues (e.g., IEEE ICCCN, IEEE SMARTCOMP).

A high-level description of my research is the design of systems for serving AI on edge computing infrastructure — i.e., Edge Intelligence (EI) — for smart city applications. More specifically, my research centers around challenges related to resource limitations available at the edge for supporting EI. Trade-offs between latency, accuracy, resource usage, etc. are common themes in my work.


AI & Machine Learning

Foundations and applications of computer algorithms making data-centric models, predictions, and decisions

Systems, Architecture & Networking

Design and analysis of computing systems: cloud, edge, Internet, quantum, and beyond
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