Contact Info
JCL 277

Advisor: Fred Chong

I am a PhD student studying quantum computing under Prof. Fred Chong. Before joining UChicago, I was a researcher on IBM’s theory team for a year, where I studied the structure of Clifford circuits while traveling as a digital nomad. I graduated from MIT with a B.S. in Mathematic with CS and in Physics. Originally from Henan, China, I attended high schools in LA and in Washington state. On my free time, I’m passionate about education and public service, I enjoy rock climbing, and I love nature.

I am broadly interested in quantum computing and quantum information. Fascinated by the intricacy and complexity of the problems in this field, I hope to apply theoretical tools and concepts to tackle the practical challenges of designing efficient, fault-tolerant quantum systems that have the potential to compute classically unfeasible tasks. Currently, I hope to work under the guidance of Prof. Fred Chong to improve the constructions and implementations of quantum low-density parity check codes to achieve impactful quantum applications.


Systems, Architecture & Networking

Design and analysis of computing systems: cloud, edge, Internet, quantum, and beyond
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