UChicago CS Fall Speaker Series Features Human-Computer Interaction Luminaries

Human-computer interaction, or HCI, is one of the fastest-growing subdomains of computer science. The study of how we use the devices that increasingly fill our daily lives, and how those devices shape our behavior in turn, utilizes a powerful mixture of expertise in technology, social science, law, and policy.
In recent years, the University of Chicago Department of Computer Science has built a strong research group on HCI through the hiring of several faculty specializing in the topic. For this fall quarter, a trio of those researchers — Marshini Chetty, Pedro Lopes, and Blase Ur — and their laboratories assembled a speaker series that brings leading figures in the HCI world to UChicago (virtually) to talk about their groundbreaking work.
“This series will showcase cutting edge research by HCI luminaries across a range of domains in the field and also give UChicago faculty and students the opportunity to learn more about HCI and interact with leaders in the HCI field,” Chetty said. “At the same time, our goal is to give each speaker a glimpse of all of the trailblazing research that UChicago faculty and students are engaged in, in HCI and other areas in computer science, through their virtual visits.”
Each talk will be broadcast via both Zoom (for registered attendees) and YouTube (no login or registration required). The talks will run on Mondays from 3:00 – 4:00 p.m. Central time.
For the full schedule of speakers, see below. Registration links and additional information will be added in advance of each talk.
10/5: Chris Harrison, Carnegie Mellon University
10/12: Anind Dey, University of Washington
10/26: Karrie Karahalios, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
11/5: Tanzeem Choudhury, Cornell Tech