Date & Time:
October 26, 2018 12:30 pm – 1:20 pm
Crerar 390, 5730 S. Ellis Ave., Chicago, IL,
10/26/2018 12:30 PM 10/26/2018 01:20 PM America/Chicago Chris Kuang – Using Innovative Technologies in Public Service and Social Impact Crerar 390, 5730 S. Ellis Ave., Chicago, IL,

Using Innovative Technologies in Public Service and Social Impact

Come and learn about Chris's vision for the “next generation of digital leaders” committed to creating social impact and how you can use your skills for good. 

RSVP here:

Note: Bring your own lunch! Drinks will be provided.

Chris Kuang is Co-Founder and Executive Director of Coding it Forward, a nonprofit that inspires and empowers students and young people to use their technical skills to create social impact in sectors like healthcare, education, nonprofit, and government. He leads the Civic Digital Fellowship, a fully-funded program for undergraduate and graduate students in Washington, D.C. that places data scientists, software engineers, product managers, and designers on high impact projects inside federal agencies to create long-lasting impact for all Americans. 

Come and learn about Chris’s vision for the “next generation of digital leaders” committed to creating social impact and how you can use your skills for good. 

RSVP here:

Note: Bring your own lunch! Drinks will be provided.

Chris Kuang

Co-Founder and Executive Director, Coding It Forward

Chris Kuang is Co-Founder and Executive Director of Coding it Forward, a nonprofit that inspires and empowers students and young people to use their technical skills to create social impact in sectors like healthcare, education, nonprofit, and government. He leads the Civic Digital Fellowship, a fully-funded program for undergraduate and graduate students in Washington, D.C. that places data scientists, software engineers, product managers, and designers on high impact projects inside federal agencies to create long-lasting impact for all Americans.

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