Date & Time:
November 13, 2019 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm
Crerar 298, 5730 S. Ellis Ave., Chicago, IL,
11/13/2019 12:30 PM 11/13/2019 01:30 PM America/Chicago QIP (Quantum Information Processing) Theory & Systems Club Crerar 298, 5730 S. Ellis Ave., Chicago, IL,

Fault-tolerant bosonic quantum error correction with the surface-GKP code

Bosonic quantum error correction is a viable option for realizing error-corrected quantum information processing in continuous-variable bosonic systems. Various single-mode bosonic codes such as cat, binomial, and GKP codes have been implemented experimentally in circuit QED and trapped ion systems. Moreover, there have been many theoretical proposals to scale up such single-mode bosonic codes to realize large-scale fault-tolerant quantum computation. In this talk, I will consider the concatenation of the single-mode GKP code with the surface code, namely, the surface-GKP code. In particular, I will present a thorough fault-tolerance analysis of the surface-GKP code. Most importantly, I will demonstrate that the required resource overhead associated with the use of the surface code can be significantly reduced if one uses bosonic GKP qubits instead of bare qubits such as transmon qubits or trapped-ion qubits.

Pizza will be served. Please RSVP using this google form ( if you will be attending and if there are any dietary restrictions. Please note that space is limited for the first meeting. You must RSVP in order to attend. The pizza will arrive at 12:00 pm in JCL 298.

More Information about the QIP (Quantum Information Processing) Theory & Systems Club:

The club will meet every two weeks from 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm on Wednesdays in ERC 201/ERC 301 on the University of Chicago campus, in alternating with the circuit QED club, starting from this quarter. The exact time/place of the meeting and presentation information will be sent out via the mailing list. To be added to the mailing list please contact:

The main focus of the presentations will be research related to QIP theory and systems, including but not limited to quantum information theory, quantum computing, quantum error correction, quantum engineering theory, quantum metrology, and quantum simulation. Although the focus of the club is tailored towards quantum theory and systems groups, experimental quantum groups are also welcomed to participate.

During these meetings, one or two speakers will present their own research or review the work of other scientists. The speakers will be drawn mostly from PhD students, post-docs, faculty, and research scientists from UChicago and Argonne. We also plan to occasionally invite external speakers from other institutions and industries, depending on the interests of the club participants.

Lunch and desserts will be served during the time. Next quarter's schedule might be redetermined due to potential conflicts with other events.

Kyungjoo Noh

Visiting PhD Student, University of Chicago

Kyungjoo Noh is a Visiting PhD Student with the Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering at the University of Chicago, working with Liang Jiang's group.

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