Several faculty members from the UChicago Department of Computer Science attended a National Science Foundation celebration of the Expeditions in Computing program in early December. The two-day event, held in Washington DC, commemorated the 10th anniversary of the agency’s largest funding award for ambitious projects in computer science research.

Seymour Goodman Professor Frederic Chong and Research Associate Professor Diana Franklin participated in the event as representatives of the Enabling Practical-Scale Quantum Computing (EPiQC) project, which received a $10 million Expeditions award in early 2018. Chong participated in a panel on Advancing Science and Society, while Franklin contributed to a panel on increasing participation and diversity in computer science.

EPiQC was also heavily featured in an NSF video on the first ten years of the program, as an example of how Expeditions projects support early-age STEM education and industry partnerships. You can watch the video below.

UChicago CS Chair Michael Franklin and Assistant Professor Sanjay Krishnan also attended the NSF celebration in relation to their prior work with the Algorithms, Machines and People Lab (AMPLab) at the University of California, Berkeley. AMPLab was founded in 2012 through an NSF Expeditions award, enabling their work building large-scale data analytics tools and platforms. Franklin moderated a panel on how to start and run Expeditions projects.

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