Date & Time:
March 15, 2022 12:15 pm – 1:15 pm
Crerar 298, 5730 S. Ellis Ave., Chicago, IL,
03/15/2022 12:15 PM 03/15/2022 01:15 PM America/Chicago Jakub Limanowski (TU Dresden) – Precision Control as a Key Mechanism of Flexible Body Representation HCI Club Seminar Crerar 298, 5730 S. Ellis Ave., Chicago, IL,

Synopsis: Many neuroscientists, psychologists, and philosophers believe that embodied selfhood, the experience of having a body and being in control of its actions, relies on some representation of the ‘own’ body in the brain. But maintaining an adaptive neuronal body representation is not easy: It has to be stable enough for self-identification and action planning, but it also has to be flexible enough to adapt to a constantly changing environment—and a constantly changing body. Recent work appealing to probabilistic Bayesian inference, particularly the predictive coding framework, has opened up a new perspective on the potential neurocognitive mechanisms underlying body representation. A key tenet of these proposals is that body representation in the brain can be described in terms of a hierarchical generative model, which infers the causes of (bodily) sensations; and which is itself constantly updated based on integrating information from all relevant sensory modalities. In this talk, I shall focus on one particular key mechanism within such models; namely, top-down precision control as means to contextualise incoming sensations. I shall link this to (my) recent work; which suggests that precision control could explain the contextual flexibility of visuo-proprioceptive body representation. I shall conclude how such a mechanistic view may deepen our understanding of embodied selfhood, and how it may help to tackle challenges to embodied selves that arise through technological developments such as cyber-physical interactions.

More info on Jakub’s work and methods: Our research focus is on the cognitive-computational basis of human perception and action, with an emphasis on the mechanisms of how body models are constructed and updated (in particular, in virtual environments and during human-machine-interactions). We use virtual reality together with state-of-the-art sensors (e.g., data gloves) and interventions (TMS, pharmacology) for experimental manipulation, and look at how these manipulations affect behaviour, brain activity (using fMRI and M/EEG), and subjective experience together. We use computational modelling to gain a mechanistic understanding of these data.

To attend via Zoom, see information at the UChicago HCI Club website.



Jakub Limanowski

Freigeist Fellow and head of the Human Perception and Action Lab at the Centre for Tactile Internet of the TU Dresden.

I am a Freigeist Fellow and head of the Human Perception and Action Lab at the Centre for Tactile Internet of the TU Dresden.

Our research focus is on the cognitive-computational basis of human perception and action, with an emphasis on the mechanisms of how body models are constructed and updated (in particular, in virtual environments and during human-machine-interactions). We use virtual reality together with state-of-the-art sensors (e.g., data gloves) and interventions (TMS, pharmacology) for experimental manipulation, and look at how these manipulations affect behaviour, brain activity (using fMRI and M/EEG), and subjective experience together. We use computational modelling to gain a mechanistic understanding of these data.

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