Date & Time:
December 3, 2021 10:30 am – 11:30 am
TTIC 530, 6045 S. Kenwood Ave., Chicago, IL,
12/03/2021 10:30 AM 12/03/2021 11:30 AM America/Chicago Raymond Yeh – Invariance and Equivariance in Computer Vision TTIC TTIC 530, 6045 S. Kenwood Ave., Chicago, IL,

Invariance and Equivariance in Computer Vision

This event will also be streamed on Zoom, register here for details.

Presence at TTIC requires being fully vaccinated for COVID-19 or having a TTIC or UChicago-approved exemption. Masks are required in all common areas. Full visitor guidance available at

Research at TTIC Seminar Series

TTIC is hosting a weekly seminar series presenting the research currently underway at the Institute. Every week a different TTIC faculty member will present their research.  The lectures are intended both for students seeking research topics and advisors, and for the general TTIC and University of Chicago communities interested in hearing what their colleagues are up to.


Raymond Yeh

Research Assistant Professor, Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago

Raymond Yeh received his PhD in 2021 from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) advised by Prof. Alexander Schwing, Prof. Minh Do, and Prof. Mark Hasegawa-Johnson. Previously, he completed his B.S. and M.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from UIUC as well. He has also interned at Google AI and Johns Hopkins University. He is a recipient of the Google PhD Fellowship, the Mavis Future Faculty Fellowship, and the Henry Ford II Scholarship.

Raymond’s research is at the intersection of machine learning and computer vision. Specifically, his research focuses on developing algorithms to learn effective and explainable models ranging across several domains including audio, vision, language, and multi-agent systems.

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