Date & Time:
January 19, 2021 1:30 pm – 2:30 pm
Live Stream
01/19/2021 01:30 PM 01/19/2021 02:30 PM America/Chicago Rich Wolski (UCSB) – Experiences with IoT and The New Internet as a Platform of Things CERES Center for Unstoppable Computing Live Stream

Experiences with IoT and The New Internet as a Platform of Things

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a rapidly approaching technological change that envisions ubiquitous and network accessible digital instrumentation and actuation of literally every “thing” we encounter in everyday life. Like the World Wide  Web (now simply called The Internet) before it, IoT will likely represent another societal sea change as objects in the physical  world become network-enabled so that they can communicate and interact with people and, autonomously, with each other. This technological vision also carries with it significant new challenges. With estimates of between 50 billion and 1 trillion  network-connected IoT devices in the next 20 years, the energy efficiency of these devices and the network technologies  that interconnect them is paramount to their utility. Moreover, the current Internet architecture, which is evolving to  accommodate cloud computing, will require substantial additional innovation and augmentation before IoT will come to  complete fruition. In this talk, we will discuss some of the computer science research questions that have grown from early  experiences in architecting and deploying working IoT systems and infrastructure. In particular, the talk will focus on  potential new approach to software infrastructure that is designed to meet many of the current and future IoT challenges. To save power, reduce network latency, and easy network congestion, devices export data and actuation services that are  accessed by applications running in the cloud. “Flipping” the current Internet architecture in this way, with services at the  extreme edge of the network and applications running at the core (i.e. in the cloud), requires a new technological approach  that creates a Software Platform of Things — SPOT — spanning devices, computing elements located at the edge (e.g.  edge clouds), and traditional cloud data centers. We will outline our experiences in building and deploying IoT systems  using this new “flipped” approach to cloud computing discuss the myriad of new research opportunities that arise as a result. 

How to watch: Livestream on Youtube:

Host: Andrew A. Chien

Rich Wolski

Professor of Computer Science, University of California, Santa Barbara

Dr. Rich Wolski is a Professor of Computer Science at the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) where he  holds the Duval Presidential Chair in Energy Efficiency. Having received his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the University  of California at Davis (while a research scientist at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) he has also held positions at  the University of California, San Diego, and the University of Tennessee, the the San Diego Supercomputer Center and  Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Rich has led several national scale research efforts in the area of distributed  systems and is the progenitor of the Eucalyptus open source cloud project. 

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